• DexSchool graduates change the world.

  • DexSchool enables a young generation of leaders to redefine education and reclaim leadership.

    Powered by a DexSchool education, DexSchool graduates enter real world with the knowledge and ability to act upon and a lifelong community to deliver with.

  • DexSchool graduates come from everywhere.

    Graduates form a diverse group of young leaders who speak 29+ languages and come from small towns, cities, villages and metropolitans spread across the country.




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    on financial aid


    female graduates



  • DexSchool graduates are recipients of prestigious awards and honors across the world.

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    Microsoft Hour of Code Design Contest

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    Samuel Huntington Public Service Award

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    International Diana

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    UNESCO Multimedia Youth Award

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    Government of India

  • And, winners of 100+ national and international awards and competitions.

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  • DexSchool graduates are scholars and fellows at top colleges across the world.

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  • DexSchool graduates are inductees and invitees at leading national and international honour societies and forums.

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    National Society of High School Scholars

    (Run by the descendants of Sir Alfred Nobel)

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    The New York Academy of Sciences

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    British Council Future News Worldwide Summit

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    Facebook Headquarters in India

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    International Space Development Conference

  • DexSchool graduates are problem solvers.

    From leading entrepreneurship development programs to building entrepreneurial solutions, DexSchool graduates are at the forefront of change.

  • DexSchool = Life Changing

    "When DexSchool goes through you, it transforms your life!"


    Shreeya, DexSchool '22


    Undergrad Senator and Research Scholar on a full scholarship in USA

    "DexSchool is truly incredible! My life transformed the day I walked into DexSchool."


    Khushi, DexSchool '19


    Former UN Youth Ambassador and Undergrad Student President in USA

    "10 years later, I’m the Graduate President of a top 10 Business School in America and my first identity is still that of a Dexter."


    Basu, DexSchool '14


    MBA Social Innovation Fellow and Graduate Student President in USA